Client Successes
Featured Clients • Recent Publications
Mighty Bad Land: A Perilous Expedition to Antartica Reveals Clues to and Eighth Continent, by Bruce Luyendyk, Geologist, Permuted Press •Foreword by Pulitzer Prize Winning Antarctica Historian Edward J. Larson. “With this intriguing narrative, Bruce Luyendyk has created a new genre, the Geothriller. Humans and their agendas are upstaged by rocks, glaciers, and continents, where all seek mischievous outcomes. Once you read this book, you’ll never look at a map the same way.”; —Shelly Lowenkopf, Emeritus Instructor, University of Southern CA, and author of Struts and Frets |
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*Geronimo’s Laptop: A Historical Fantasy, by Janelle Meraz Hooper, indie “Who would’ve thought Geronimo would ever use a laptop to communicate? Entertaining, educational, fantastical and fun. A very inventive way into the life of one of America’s most misunderstood
historical figures. Geronimo lives... to send emails!” (Del, Amazon reviewer). From Elizabeth: I love this story. |
The Cloud: A Speculative Fiction Novel, by Robert Rivenbark, Story Merchant "A dystopian hero’s journey. Think 1984 and The Matrix. “It’s exploration of free will, social justice, and the ties between corrupt governments and power-hungry corporate conglomerates is interesting and keeps you thinking even after you’ve finished reading.”—Amazon reviewer Laurie C. • First place in science fiction, 2019 San Antonio Writers Guild 27 th Annual Contest. |
*The Sky Behind the Sun: A Novel, by Charles H. Snellings, indie “Few authors can dance between the lines of tension, tragedy, fear, and
horror successfully…. Tightly written, The Sky Behind the Sun twists action, emotion, and introspection, keeping the reader fully engaged, often with both anticipation and a curious dread to turn the next page.” —Doug Wise, author of The Next Life, and, Simple Pictures Are Best |
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“This book describes the author’s intellectual and physical journey to her long-term work in the Altai Mountains of Russia and Mongolia. It recounts the challenges of getting to Siberia and the Russian Altai during the Soviet period and the physical and intellectual challenges of working in the Mongolian Altai—a region that was, at that time, virtually unknown even to researchers.” (Amazon description) |
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One Drop: A Mystery, by Alice Wilson-Fried, Bedazzled Press “... A fast-paced mystery set in New Orleans with clever humor, a dead billionaire, |
Note: In the list below, Elizabeth Lyon and/or her associates at Editing International participated in a number of different ways in their clients' success: editing whole books or partial books; editing or consulting about nonfiction book proposals (including the first 60 pages); editing query letters and synopses; and offering marketing assistance with finding agents.
* indicates an independently published book
~ indicates a subsequent book, not edited by Elizabeth Lyon
Published Clients—Nonfiction Books
3 Dogs, 2 Cats, 1 Journey Through Multiple Pet Loss (memoir), Dave Congalton, NewSage Press ~ When Your Pet Outlives You: Protecting Animal Companions After You Die, David Congalton and Charlotte Alexander, NewSage ~* Ho Ho: The Dog Who Saved Chrismas, David Congalton, Kindle Digital Publishing ~* The Talk Radio Guest Book: How To Be The Perfect Talk Radio Guest, David Congalton and Deborah Bayles, Kindle Digital
* 10 Things I Learned in Heaven: Inspiration by the Week, Moneca Litton, Altadea Press/Amazon Digital
Act Like An Owner (business), Robert Blonchek & Martin O'Neil, Wiley/Reinhold
~ Building Business Value: How to Command a Premium Price for Your Midsized Company, Martin O'Neil, Cardinal Publisher's Group
~ The Power of an Internal Franchise: How Your Business Will Prosper When Employees Act Like Owners, Martin O'Neil, Third Bridge Press
* The Super Allergy Girl™ Cookbook: Gluten-Free Casein-Free Nut Free (cookbook), Lisa A. Lundy,
* Be Quiet, Be Heard: The Paradox of Persuasion (communications self-help), Susan R Glaser, PhD, and Peter A. Glaser, PhD, with Arlene Mattews, Communication Solutions Publishing
Black Holes & Energy Pirates: How to Recognize & Release Them (self-help), Jesse Reeder, Crossing Press
* Born Scared: When Anxiety was Created in the Womb, at Birth, or in Prior Lifetimes, and How Finding the Cause Leads to the Cure, Julia Ingram, MA
* Changing Ourselves, Changing the World (self-help, psychology), Gary Reiss, LCSW, New Falcon Publications
~* Dreaming Money: A Process-Oreinted Approach to Unifying the Worlds of Money, Psychology, and Spirituality, Dr. Gary Reiss LCSW, Ph.D., CreateSpace
~* Families that Dream Together: Process-Oriented Family Therapy and Community Based Healing, Dr. Gary Reiss LCSW, Ph.D., CreateSpace
~* The Dance of Sex: A Dreambody Approach to Love, Sex and Intimacy, Dr. Gary Reiss LCSW, Ph.D., CreateSpace
Coach Tommy Thompson and the Boys of Sequoyah (biography), Patti Dickinson, Oklahoma University Press, Finalist Oklahoma Book Awards
~ Hollywood the Hard Way: A Cowboy's Journey, Patti Dickinson, Bison Books/ University of Nebraska Press
* Confusion to Clarity: A Twentysomething's Guide to Finding Your Calling(self-help), Anne Elizabeth Grace, Wheatmark
* Corporate Tsunami in Countryside Paradise: 1875-1900 Origin of US War in Vietnam (history, exposé), by Brian D. Roesh, Voter Knowledge Press
* Counterfeit Kids: Why they can't think and how to save them, Ron Baird, NWE Signatures (education print and Kindle)
Cross-Cultural Adoption: How to Answer Questions from Family, Friends, and Community, Amy Coughlin and Caryn Abramowitz, LifeLine Press
* Complications: A Doctor's Love Story (memoir/health), Linda Gromko, MD
* Let Me Go When the Banter Stops: A Doctor's Fight for the Love of Her Life, Linda Gromko, MD, Bainbridge Books ~* Arranging Your Life When Dialysis Comes Home (Volume 1), Linda Gromko & Jane McClure, MD, Arrange2Live ~Where's MY Book? A Guide for Transgender and Gender Non-Conforming Youth, Their Parents, & Everyone Else, Linda Gromko, MD, Bainbridge Books
Cyber-Safe Kids, Cyber-Savvy Teens: Helping Young People Use the Internet Safely and Responsibly (education), Nancy Willard, MS, JD, Jossey-Bass
~ Cyberbullying and Cyberthreats: Responding to the Challenge of Online Social Aggression, Threats, and Distress, Nancy Willard, Research Press
~ Cyber Savvy: Embracing Digital Safety and Civility, Nancy Willard, Corwin
* Dear Dinah: Time for a Household Partnership (self-help), Jeannie Seeley-Smith, Authors of Unity Publishing ~ Nine Friends: In Time of Loss (inspirational self-help), Jeannie Seeley-Smith, Garden Fleetfoot Press
* Dear Mom: Women's Letters of Love, Loss, and Longing (inspiration, women's biography), Ed by Deborah Berger, Trafford
Deer Drink the Moon (poetry anthology), Liz Nakazawa, Ooligan Press
Dewdroppers, Waldos and Slackers: A Decade-by-Decade Guide to the Vanishing Vocabulary of the Twentieth Century (language), Rosemarie Ostler, Oxford University Press
~ Let's Talk Turkey: The Stories Behind America's Favorite Expressions, Rosemarie Ostler, Prometheus Books
~ Slinging Mud: Rude Nicknames, Scurrilous Slogans, and Insulting Slang from Two Centuries of American Politics, Rosemarie Ostler, Perigee Trade ~ Founding Grammars: How Early America’s War Over Words Shaped Today’s Language, Rosemarie Ostler, St. Martin’s Press
* A Doctor's Journey: From Czarist Russia to Communist Poland, Lois Gayle Chance, and Anna Kowal (contributor) (y/a biography), Outskirts Press
* Does It Work With Kids Too? (parenting), Harold R. Hansen
Don't Waste Your Talent (career, business), Bob MacDonald & Don Hutcheson, Wiley ~ Out of Fear: Will Stallworth sold his soul to the advertising business. Now he's taking it back., Don Hutcheson, CreateSpace
* Do We Meet Again (spirituality), Shiva Yogi, Edited by Tony Cubito, Blue Pearl Publishing * Couple's Journey, Tony and Cristi Cubito, Blue Pearl
* The Editor's Lexicon: Essential Writing Terms for Novelists (reference), Sarah Cypher, Glyd-Evans Press
~* E-Publishing: Your Complete Checklist, Sarah Cypher, Kindle Digital Publishing
* Feast and Famine of a Culinary Vagabond: A Memoir, by Wolfgang Lord Erbe (memoir), Kindle Digital Publishing
Gaia's Garden: A Guide to Home-Scale Permaculture, (Gardening/Ecology), Toby Hemenway, Chelsea Green
The Geography of Love (memoir), Glenda Burgess, Doubleday Publishing
Healing Walks for Hard Times (self-help/spirituality), Carolyn Scott Kortge, Shambhala Publications,
The Spirited Walker (self-help/fitness), Carolyn Kortge, HarperCollins
How to Invest in Condominiums (money/real estate), Andris Virsnieks, John Wiley
* How to Swat the Killer BEs Out of Your Writing (reference), Nancy Owens Barnes, Rushing River Press, South to Alaska: A True Story of Courage and Survival from America's Heartland to the Heart of a Dream, Nancy Owens Barnes, Rushing River Press,
~ Moose for Breakfast: Nature Writing in Essays and Poetry, Nancy Owens Barnes, Rushing River Press
The Iron Butterfly: A Trip through the Twentieth Century (memoir), Doris Colmes, PublishAmerica
* The Last Trapper: An American Saga (history), Erma Armstrong, Tanglewood Hill Press,
* Improper Submission: Records of a Wrongful Conviction, Erma Armstrong, Tanglewood Hill Press
Leading Change Toward Sustainability: A Field Guide for Senior Managers, Elected Officials, Civic Leaders, Consultants, and Other Change Agents (technical/environmental), Bob Doppelt, Greenleaf Publications, UK
~ From Me to We: The Five Transformational Commitments Required to Rescue the Planet, Your Organization, and Your Life, Bob Doppelt, Greenleaf Publishing,
~ The Power of Sustainable Thinking: How to Create a Positive Future for the Climate, the Planet, Your Organization and Your Life, Bob Doppelt, Greenleaf Publishing
A Life Complete: Finding Peace and Purpose at Midlife (psychology, inspiration), Sallirae Henderson, Scribner
* Life Without Anger (self-help), Dean Van Leuven, Devorss,
~* Taking Control of Your Life: Achieving Emotional Mastery, Dr. Dean Van Leuven, Kindle Digital Publishing
Lifting Depression: The Chromium Connection (self-help psychology) by Malcolm McLeod, MD, Basic Books
Living Fully with Shyness and Social Anxiety: A Comprehensive Guide to Gaining Social Confidence (self-help psychology), Erika Hilliard, MSW, RS,. Marlowe and Company
Living With Multiple Chemical Sensitivity: Narratives of Coping (health), Gail McCormick, McFarland Publishing
Lost in the Amazon: The True Story of Five Men and Their Desperate Battle for Survival, Stephen Kirkpatrick, W Publishing Group/Thomas Nelson
Memoir of the Soul: Writing Your Spiritual Autobiography (writing instruction), Nan Phifer, Walking Stick Press (Writers Digest Books), ~ Memoirs of the Soul: A Writing Guide, Nan Merrick Phifer, Ingot Press
Mighty Bad Land: A Perilous Expedition to Antarctica Reveals Clues to an Eighth Continent (memoir/science/adventure), Bruce Luyendyk (Permuted Press)
* Minding Your Body: A Comprehensive Guide to Healthy Living (natural health), Skye Weintraub, N.D., Complementary Publishing,
Natural Healing with Cell Salts, Skye Weintraub, N.D., Woodland Publishing
~ The Parasite Menace: A Complete Guide to the Prevention, Treatment and Elimination of Parasitic Infection, Skye Weintraub, N.D., Woodland
~ Natural Treatments for ADD and Hyperactivity, Skye Weintraub, N.D., Woodland
~ Allergies & Holistic Healing: A Comprehensive Reference for Everything on Allergies, Skye Weintraub, N.D., Woodland
Mothering Twins (parenting), Albi, Johnson, Catlin, Duerloo, & Greatwood, Fireside, Simon & Schuster
My First Crush: Misadventures in Wine Country (memoir), Linda Kaplan, Lyons Publishing
The Next Tsunami: Living on a Restless Coast (narrative nonfiction),Bonnie Henderson, OSU Press
No Pictures in My Grave (travel narrative), Susan Caperna Lloyd, Mercury House
Primal Healing: Access the Incredible Power of Feelings to Improve Your Health (psychology), Art Janov, PhD, Career Press. (Dr. Janov is the creator of Primal Therapy and the author of the best-seller, Primal Scream) ~ Beyond Belief: Cults, Healers, Mystics and Gurus—Why We Believe, Art Janov PhD, Reputation Books ~The New Primal Scream: Primal Therapy Twenty Years On, Art Janov, PhD, Abacus ~ Life Before Birth: The Hidden Script That Rules Our Lives, Art Janov, PhD, NTI Upstream
The Resiliency Advantage: Master Change, Thrive Under Pressure, and Bounce Back from Setbacks (self-help psychology), Al Siebert, PhD, Berrett-Koehler Publishers. (Dr. Siebert is the Author of the best seller ~ Survivor Personality)
She's All Eyes: Memoirs of an Irish-American Daughter (memoir), Maura Conlon-McIvor, Time Warner Books/ Grand Central Publishing
Shimmering Images: A Handy Little Guide to Writing Memoir (writing how-to), Lisa Dale Norton, St. Martin's Griffin
The Shortest Way Home: A Contemplative Path to God (religion), Wesley Lachman, O Street Publishing
* Simplicity and Success: Creating the Life You Long For (self-help), Bruce Elkin, Trafford
Skipjack: The History of American's Last Sailing Oystermen (narrative nonfiction), Christopher White, St. Martin's Press ~ The Last Lobster: Boom or Bust for Maine’s Greatest Fishery, Christopher White, St. Martin's Press ~ The Melting World: A Journey Across America’s Vanishing Glaciers, Christopher White, St. Martin's Press
* So Many Shoes, So Little Money: A Girl's Guide to Finance (how to), Lisa Serwin, 2009
* The Soul's Critical Path: An American Spiritual Fusion (ebook spirituality), John P. Davidson, HeartWorks
Soul Rider: Facing Fear and Finding Redemption on a Harley (memoir), Carolyn Fox, Skyhorse Publishing, Inc., NY
Spirit Babies (memoir/parenting), Walter MaKichen, Random House
Stop Being Manipulated (self-help), Carolyn Cotter & George Green, Berkley
Sudden Influence: Spontaneous Events That Shape Our Lives (psychology), Michael Rousell, PhD, Praegar Press (Greenwood Publishing Group). 2007 Recipient of Choice Award from the Neurobiological Society
* The Super Allergy Girl™ Cookbook: Gluten-Free Casein-Free Nut Free(cookbook), Lisa A. Lundy ~* Love. Life. (inspirational how-to)
* Talking Back to Dr. Phil: Alternatives to Mainstream Psychology (positive psychology paperback), David Bedrick JD Dipl PW
* Talking Sense About Politics: How to Overcome Political Polarization (politics), Jack Meacham, PhD
* Tantric Sex for Busy Couples (self-help), Diana Daffner
The Trauma Tool Kit: Healing PTSD from the Inside Out, Susan Pease Banitt, LCSW, (self-help) Quest Books/Amazon Digital (2013 Nautilus Silver Award Winner)
* Trials: Two Cousins, Cancer, and the Doctors Who Fought to Save Their Lives (biography, memoir, medical history), Larry Bradley, Luminare Press
The Unanswered Letter: One Holocaust Family's Desperate Plea for Help, (narrative nonfiction), Faris Cassell, Regnery.
* The Undying Soul, Stephen J. Iacoboni, MD, (memoir), SJI Publishing
Walking One Another Home (memoir), Rita Bresnahan, Liguori Press
When Broken Glass Floats: Growing Up Under the Khmer Rouge (memoir), Chanrithy Him, W.W. Norton & Co.
When to Worry: How to Tell If Your Teen Needs Help (parenting), Lisa Boesky, PhD, AMACOM ~ Juvenile Offenders with Mental Health Disorders: Who Are They and What Do We Do With Them, Lisa Boesky, Amer Correctional Assn
Wisdom in the Cards (tarot/new age), A.L. Samul, U.S. Games Systems
* indicates an independently published book
~ indicates a subsequent book, not edited by Elizabeth Lyon
Published Clients—Novels
The Absence of Nectar (literary women's), Kathy Hepinstall, Penguin Putnam
~ Blue Asylum, Kathy Hepinstall, Houghton Mifflin Harcourt,
~ Prince of Lost Places, Kathy Hepinstall, Penguin
~ The House of Gentle Men: A Novel, Kathy Hepinstall, Harper Perennial ~ The Book of Polly, Kathy Hepinstall, Penguin Books
After River (contemporary literary family saga), Donna Milner, Quercus Books (Canada),
translated into six languages,
sold to publishers in ten countries,
including HarperCollins
~ The Promise of Rain, Donna Milner, Quercus Books ~ Somewhere In-Between, Donna Milner, Caitlin Press Inc., ~ A Place Called Sorry, Donna Milner, Caitlin Press Inc.
* Along the Ravenswood (Chicago Stories) (mystery), Eileen Hamer, Hamer Publications *~ Chicago Stories: West of Western, Eileen Hamer, Hamer Publications
* Arken Freeth and the Adventure of the Neanderthals: Book One: Shipwrecked (middle grade fanatasy), Alex Paul, AIS ~
* Beyond the Vows (mainstream), Ed Griffin, Trafford, * Prisoners of the Williwaw (contemporary mainstream), Ed Griffin, POD Trafford, optioned to HBO, *~ Veto, Ed Griffin, Trafford, *~ Dystopia, Ed Griffin & Mike Oulton, Trafford, ~ Once a Priest, Ed Griffin, Cordillera North Publications
* A Borgia Daughter Dies (historical mystery), Maryann Phillip, RealHistoryMysteryPress
* The Captains’ Airline: Pushing Back from the Brink (adventure), Capt. Art Samson, CreateSpace
Cezanne's Quarry (literary historical mystery), Barbara Pope, Pegasus Publishing, foreign translation rights sold to Germany and Poland
~ The Blood of Lorraine (literary historical mystery), Barbara Pope, Pegasus,
~ The Missing Italian Girl: A Mystery in Paris, Barbara Pope, Pegasus
* Clancy, For Heaven's Sake (all ages), Bill Lynch,
* Dark Nights (mainstream historical), Bill Lynch * Ice Ax (children's 9-12), Bill Lynch
* A Diplomat's Daughter (young adult), Victoria Montes, Bouncing Ball Books
* Eve Moreau (mainstream historical), Dwight Fairbanks, Xlibris
The Ferry Woman: A Novel of the Mountain Meadows Massacre (historical literary), Gerald Grimmett, Limberlost Press; Utah Book Award finalist
* The Flume Tender’s Daughter (historical), Deb Mohr, CreateSpace
* Friendship Forged in Fire (contemporary), John Lonero, optioned to Lantana Productions
* Hard Karma Shuffle (mystery), Carolyn Rose and Michael Nettleton,
~* The Big Grabowski, ~* Sometimes a Great Commotion (Devil's Harbor mystery series), ~* Drum Warrior (young reader's fantasy)
* Hemlock Lake (mystery), Carolyn J. Rose (Five Star Publishing),
~* Through a Yellow Wood (mystery sequel), No Substitute for Money, ~* No Substitute for Murder (mysteries), * An Uncertain Refuge (women's suspense), ~* A Place of Forgetting (women's), ~* Sea of Regret (sequel women's suspense), ~and a dozen other mysteries including a No Substitute for Murder series
* The Hidebehind (horror), Charles Snellings, Lulu
* The Hunt for Owl Eyes, Buzz Thielemann, CreateSpace
* The Illyrian Chronicles: The Return, M. Gabrielle Legault (fantasy), CreateSpace, ~* The Illyrian Chronicles: Exile, M. Gabrielle Legault (fantasy), CreateSpace, ~* The Illyrian Chronicles: Challenge, M. Gabrielle Legault (fantasy), CreateSpace
* The Indian's Daughter, Patti Dickinson, Bitterroot Mountain Publishing
* Island of the Passion (mainstream historical), Wendy Brown and Chuck Hitt, Trafford
* James Street: A Novel (legal thriller romance), Sarah Vail
Learning Life Again, Jennifer Chambers, (women’s fiction) Black Cats Press/A Wyatt-MacKenzie Publishing
A Love Ordained, Nikki Arana, Bethany House,
~ The Next Target: A Novel, Nikki Arana, David C. Cook
~* The Fragrance of Roses, Nikki Arana, CreateSpace
Not Between Brothers (historical epic), David Wilkinson, Boaz Publishing hb; Signet pb., 4-hour mini-series optioned to NBC, 15th anniversary edition 2010, 100,000 sold. The Empty Quarter (contemporary mainstream), David Wilkinson, Boaz Publishing.
~ One Ranger: A Memoir, H. Joaquin Jackson & David Marion Wilkinson, University of Texas Press.
~ Oblivion's Altar: A Novel of Courage, David Marion Wilkinson, NAL Trade
* On The Level, David Cournoyer, Long Island Sound Press
Replicator Run (medical thriller), Rainer Rey, Ballantine, Day of the Dove (international thriller), Rainer Rey, Ballantine, ~* Reflections, Rainer Rey,
* The River by Starlight: A Novel (historical literary), Ellen Notbohm, She Writes Press
* Sarah (historical), Roger Rule, 1st Books Library,
~* The Rifleman's Rifle: Winchester's Model 70, 1936-1963, Roger Rule, AuthorHouse
* Scribe (suspense), Brian Russell
* Searching for the Evergreen Man (mainstream historical), Dean Barton, Llumina Press
* The Serpent’s Motto, Robbert M. Snijders (political thriller), Amazon Digital Publishing
* Some Good Memory (women’s fiction), Jo Hershberger, Outskirts Press
* Spare Parts (tech thriller), Judy Mardorf (Thompson), Taleteller Publishing
Star Trek anthologies, one short story each in two anthologies, Jerry Wolfe, Pocket, Simon and Schuster
* The Sum of all Evils: A thriller set in the dying days of 2012, Leslie Beckmann, Consinity Inc.
* A Three-Turtle Summer (historical--1949, mainstream), Janelle Meraz Hooper, iUniverse, winner of 2002 Bold Media Award,
~* As Brown As I Want: The Indianhead Diaries, Janelle Meraz Hooper, iUniverse
~* Free Pecan Pie And Other Chick Stories, Janelle Meraz Hooper, iUniverse
~* Custer and His Naked Ladies, Janelle Meraz Hooper, iUniverse,
~* Bears in the Hibiscus, Janelle Meraz Hooper, CreateSpace
~* Boogie, Boots & Cherry Pie, Janelle Meraz Hooper, Kindle Digital
~* There's a Mouse in the House!, Janelle Meraz Hooper & Jacob Studebaker, Kindle Digital,
~* Old Joe's Pink Cadillac, a Short Story, Janelle Meraz Hooper, Kindle Digital
~* The Slum Resort, Janelle Meraz Hooper, Kindle Digital Publishing
* To Live or Die in Arizona (mystery), Elizabeth Bruening Lewis, Dromedary Press (cover endorsement by Justice Sandra Day O'Connor, winner of the Arizona Press Women's Award, introduction by former Arizona governor, Bruce Babbitt)
* Dry Death in Arizona, Elizabeth Bruening Lewis, Dromedary Press
~* Deadly Deception in Arizona, Elizabeth Bruening Lewis, Sharlot Hall Museum Press * The Twilight Of The First Millennium - Light On The Dark Ages, Elizabeth Bruening Lewis, Dromedary Press
* Time Zone (thriller), Edmund Norman Rondo, PublishAmerica
Traveling Light, Lloyd A. Meeker (contemporary alternative), MLR Press
When Eagles Call (historical literary), Susan Dobbie, Ronsdale Press (BC),
~ River of Gold, Susan Dobbie, Ronsdale Press (BC)
* Where Trails Cross (historical-frontier), Milt Cunningham, Trafford
Wings to Fly (contemporary romance) by Beate Boeker, Montlake Romance
~ Take My Place, Beate Boeker, Montlake Romance,
~ A Little Bit of Passion, Beate Boeker, Montlake Romance
* Wrath (mystery), John Dewitz, Shady Dell Publishing, ~* Return of the Wolf, ~* Bamboozled!, John Dewitz, Shady Dell Publishing
* Zetty: A Novel (historical literary), Debra Whiting Alexander, Luminare Press
* indicates an independently published book
~ indicates a subsequent book, not edited by Elizabeth Lyon
Client Contest Winners or Finalists
Sudden Influence: Spontaneous Events That Shape Our Lives, by Michael Rousell, PhD., Praegar Press (Greenwood Publishing Group) 2007. 2007 Recipient of Choice Award from the Neurobiological Society.
The Resiliency Advantage: Master Change, Thrive Under Pressure, and Bounce Back from Setbacks, by Al Siebert, PhD. Berrett-Koehler Publishers 2005. Best Self-Help Book of 2005, chosen from nearly 3000 titles by IPPY, and independent publishing group.
* Zetty, by Debra Alexander, Luminare Press, Winner - Women's Fiction - 12th Annual National Indie Excellence Awards. Finalist - Regional/West - 12th Annual National Indie Excellence Awards
* The River by Starlight, by Ellen Notbohm, She Writes Press. Gold Medal, 2018 Independent Publisher Book Awards, Best Regional Fiction, West-Mountain. Finalist, Regional Fiction, 2018 Next Generation Indie Book Awards
Pacific NW Writers Contest: 6 firsts (romance, genre novel, two adult short stories, adult nonfiction book, adult article).
Willamette Writers Kay Snow Contest: 1 second (fiction)
Pacific NW Writers Association Literary Contest: half a dozen first places, and many second and third places
Colorado Gold Fiction Writers Contest: 3 firsts, 1 second, 2 semi-finalists
Surrey, B.C. Writers Contest: 2 firsts (short adult fiction)
Southwest Writers Conference Contest: 1 third (travel)
San Antonio Writers Guild Contest: 2 Firsts (genre novel, memoir)
Heekin Foundation, Novel-in-Progress (former) National Literary Contest: eight semi-finalists
Violet Crown Award/Western Writers of America Spur Winner (short story); Spur Finalist: Historical
1999-2000 Dog Writers Association of America Award for "Best Book Capturing the Human-Animal Bond"; Utah State Book Award finalist
2002 Muse Medallion award from the Cat Writers' Association, Inc.
2009 Oklahoma Book Award Finalist
2009 First Place, Readers View, Reviewer's Choice, Book of the Year, Amelia Bloomer List, Moonbeam Children's Book Awards
Chanticleer International Book Awards: First Place for the Dante Rossetti Book Award (YA)